Sundas Molecular Analysis Center (SUNMAC)

Sundas Foundation has set up a high-tech genetic lab in the name SUNMAC - Sundas Molecular Analysis Centre, for the prevention and eradication of Thalassemia. Many countries including Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Iran & Maldives has managed to eradicate this disease. Sundas Foundation set-up SUNMAC with the vision to identify adult Thalassemia carriers and to prevent childbirth with Thalassemia.

Perform obligatory research on thalassemia patients in order to prevent the disease in the generations to come

SUNMAC Objectives
  1. To reduce childbirth with Thalassemia major using Prenatal Screening
  2. To reduce blood transfusion of Thalassemia patients using compensatory drugs
  3. To reduce infant mortality rate of undiagnosed Thalassemia children by diagnosis provision
  1. Awareness to prevent Thalassemia
  2. Carrier Screening
  3. Genetic Counseling
  4. Prenatal Diagnosis/Mutational Analysis
Screening Tools
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC)
  • Supravital Staining
  • HB Electrophoresis
  • PCR Based Analysis