
Sundas Foundation has been working in Pakistan for over 26 years to support patients suffering from various blood disorders. With the help of our donors, we have helped more than (a number) of thalassemia, hemophilia, and other blood disorder patients.

1. Blood Transfusion Services

  • Transfusions Services for Registered Patients

    Every day, a big number of patients rely on Sundas Foundation for their blood transfusions. These patients are registered with the foundation and benefit from the hassle-free blood transfusion services. What makes it more comfortable for the patients is that all services are free of cost. This allows our patients to receive the care they deserve despite worrying about the financial aspect.

  • Blood Pack Donations to Hospitals

    Sundas Foundation also donates blood packs to hospitals. These blood donations are very important for hospitals to overcome the blood shortages in different medical facilities. By providing these blood packs, we help ensure that hospitals can treat their patients promptly and without any delays or interruptions.

  • OPD Blood Transfusion Services

    We also help walk-in patients who are referred to us by doctors or hospitals. These individuals might not be registered with the Sundas Foundation but require urgent blood transfusions due to medical emergencies or critical health conditions. Sundas Foundation offers help to any patient in need.