Sohail Ahmed, widely known as Azizi, is a celebrated Pakistani comedian and actor, best recognized for his role in the popular Dunya TV show Hasb-e-Haal. Through his witty and insightful commentary, Azizi tackles social, political, and local issues, offering both entertainment and clarity to his viewers. Born on 1 May 1963 in Gujranwala, Punjab, Azizi is proud of his roots in a city renowned for its food and culture. His father, Mian Muhammad Akram, was a DSP, and his grandfather, Dr. Fakeer Muhammad, was a renowned philanthropist and the author of over 40 books in Punjabi. Sohail Ahmed's talent goes beyond performance; he has skillfully embraced a range of versatile roles, setting new standards in the entertainment industry. As an active member of the Punjab Arts Council, he has been a strong advocate for clean, meaningful stage performances, opposing vulgarity and obscenity in drama. Sohail Ahmed has also been an invaluable part of Sundas Foundation for many years, currently serving as the Director. His dedication and service to the foundation have made a significant impact and continue to inspire the community.